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Process and material sit at the core of Daisy’s practice. She is interested in the life cycle of the objects she makes and what it means to labour over an object with a short material permanence. Her childhood surroundings inform her work through the merging of memories of both the land and sea. Daisy has an increasing interest in the material quality of clay and what can be achieved through the manipulation of its raw state. Air dying the clay slowly and leaving it unfired allows Daisy to reclaimed and reused the clay once the objects have broken or become redundant.




2014 – 2017 | Chelsea College of Arts | BA Fine Arts, First Class Honours  


Exhibitions | Events 

London 2023 | Solastalgia | Croydon

London 2023 | Elsewhere | Bethlem Gallery

London 2023 | Open Studios | Whitgift centre 

London 2022| Front Garden | Croydon

London 2022| Spread | Turf Projects

London 2021| Croydon Sculpture Park | Ashburton Park

London 2019| Flat Pack | San Mei Gallery 

London 2019| Sustainability, a conversation around the lifespan of objects with   Nayia  Yiakoumaki |Auto Italia South east

London 2018 | Reunion |Assembly Point

London 2018 | Acme Open studio |Warton House  

Denmark 2018 | Bolsjefabrikken |Candy factory

London 2018 | Talking stick |Kentish town

London 2017 | Ideal home |Tractor Yard

London 2017 | BA Degree Show | Chelsea College of Art

London 2016 | Territories of Practice |Cook House Gallery

London 2016 | Finishing cream |Hair Couture Camberwell

London 2015 | It's not about you | Dupo Dupo Gallery  

London 2014 | Origins |University of the Arts London  

Plymouth 2014 | Foundation end of year show| Plymouth college of art

Awards | Residences  

London 2017 | Jonathan Harvey studio award | Acme studios Residency Program   

London 2017 | Deans Award | Chelsea college of Art |George Blacklock

Plymouth 2017 | Award for outstanding final exhibition |Awarding body UAL



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